5 ways to increase your visibility

Why is visibility important you may ask? Well, if they don’t know you exist, then they would not buy from you. It is as simple as that. When you decide to start your business, one of the major issues you will stumble across is how to get visible. Visibility leads to sales even if you are selling a very exclusive commodity. 

A few months ago, I shared 4 ways to get visible

and I want to expand on this discussion. So, let’s dive into the 5 ways to increase your visibility: 
1.    Be consistent
2.    Share valuable information
3.    Collaborate with others
4.    Be engaging
5.    Use videos

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Be consistent 

Consistency can make or break your business. Your ideal clients need time to build that know, like and trust factor and in order for this to happen organically, you need to consistently showing up and being present where ever they are. They are already bombarded with so much information, but what they will remember is the person who was always there for them offering guidance. So whether you post twice a day or send 3 emails a week and do 4 blogs per week, the point is that in order for you to be remembered you have to be consistent …which lead to my second point!  

Share valuable information 

Being consistent is one thing but if you are consistent with information that does not serve a purpose or solve a problem then yur visbility can still tank. If the purpose of your visibility is to grow your audience and ultimately land sales, then it must be intentional. 

You want to share information that inspires, motivates and educates your audience. Information that shares new perspectives. Information that makes them feel connected. Information that solves a problem they are experiencing. Information that moves them emotionally. Information that gets them thinking. 

Having a very clear, consistent and intentional strategy will sky rocket your visibility with your audience. 

Need some support? Then grab my training on Daily Sales with your content that helps you become more visible.

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Collaborate with others 

It has been proven that collaborations accelerate your growth path more than anything else. A collaboration with the right entity can allow you to go from being unknown to viral overnight. When deciding on a collab, you want to choose entities that share your ideal clients, who already have a client base and whose base you can add value to and vice versa. 

Collabs is a great, easy and sometimes cost-effective way to get in front of more of your ideal clients without you having to go search for them.  

Be engaging 

Being in business means you have to master the art of engagement with others. And especially if you are using social media as one of your main platforms to establish your brand? Then engagement has to be part of your daily strategy. 

Engagement does not simply mean liking what people post or their blogs. It means lending your voice to the conversation being shared and becoming a part of the narrative. What this does is allow other people who may not have known you existed before to hear and see you. It is one of the most effective ways to increase your visibility organically. 

Use Videos 

Before you shudder, let me explain something to you

‘Studies have shown that consumers are 64-85% more likely to purchase a product or service that has video representation. … This makes establishing a personal connection with buyers through the means of video marketing a key element in the future of online marketing.’ according to CBO

Video has been proven to increase not just visibility but sales conversion for many businesses. The truth is your visibility is tied into your sales. And while you are not trying to target EVERYONE, you are trying to target a specific group of people who need and want you. And those group of people need to build a relationship with you. Video allows you to build that relationship even quicker so you can get to your sales goal faster.  

These 5 ways, have been a pathway to alot of my success over the last 5 years and I am glad to share this with you. 

For even more tips to get visible and increase your marketing, grab my training on 10 ways to market your business for immediate results.

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