How to sell without selling

Time and time again we see businesses especially on social media post ad after ad about their product or service. They get one or two likes and no responses and worse yet nobody buys their product or service. They get depressed, despondent and throw their hands in the air and say that nobody wants to buy from them.

Create content that sells

One of the challenges many of my clients face is creating content consistently that sells. You see, this is something that is not taught in school and when most people start a business, they focus on building a pretty website, have a splashy call card and then maybe creating a flier that they hope will lure people to their business.

What do political parties and entertainers have in common?

The last 10 days were a whirlwind of activity on my social media. From election coverage to music videos, I am surprised how much commonality the two have. Trinidad and Tobago was swept away by the general elections held on August 10, but this is not about the results but about how they transformed social media as their main platform to educate, connect, inspire and motivate the masses.

10 things I wish I knew before starting a business

I come from a long line of business owners in my family. So being surrounded by other successful business owners was never a challenge for me. But when I decided in 2011 to actually start my own business, I ran into some hurdles that I never expected and no one ever really talks about. These are the 10 things I wish I knew before starting a business

3 Reasons You Need a Sales Funnel

What is a sales funnel? Let's start there...because so many entrepreneurs have heard the words but have no real sense of what it truly is. A sales funnel is the method by which you attract, engage and convert your fans so that you get continuous sales in your business. It is basically the journey that you carry your audience on as they get to know, like and trust you.

What we have learnt so far…

We have been in this business of helping other businesses exceed, grow and breakthrough new markets for quite a number of years and there are a few key things that we have learnt along the way. Some of them include: 1. Always keep learning Reading and educating yourself is key to your success. You never know too much. There is always a new way, a better way, a more unconventional way. How can you help your clients if you yourself are not educated about the products and services that are available on the market.